Kamis, 18 Oktober 2007

Indonesian migrant worker dies in Malaysia

CILACAP, Central Java (Antara): An Indonesian migrant worker who worked in an oil palm plantation in Malaysia identified as Redi Martin, 19, died early this month, a spokesman said.

"We have not yet been informed of the cause of his death, but it was allegedly due to a torture by Malaysian security personnel," Saidi, Redi’s uncle said here on Wednesday.

Saidi said Redi’s body was expected to arrive home in Adipala sub-district, Cilacap, Central Java province, on Thursday.

According to Saidi, he got information about Redi’s death on Wednesday last week from an official at the Indonesian Consulate in Johor Baru who called the labor recruitment in Jakarta where Redi’s mother worked.

Saidi said he was informed that the victim passed away on Oct. 5.

In 2005, Redi was recruited for work in a flower estate and left for Malaysia legally. But he then quit his job and moved to an oil palm company for a higher salary. (**)

http://www.thejakar tapost.com/ detailgeneral. asp?fileid= 20071018110853&irec=1

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