Kamis, 18 Oktober 2007

OCHA Situation Report : Indonesia: Mt. Kelud Volcano OCHA Situation Report no. 1

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

This update is prepared by the UN Humanitarian/ Resident Coordinator’ s Office in Jakarta based on the information provided by the National Coordinating Agency for Disaster Management (BAKORNAS PB), the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), and media reports.


1. On 16 October 2007 at 18:00 hrs, the Directorate for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Management in Bandung, West Java Province, raised the alert status of Kelud Volcano to the highest Level 4. This indicates that an eruption is imminent. Mount Kelud is located approximately 90 kilometres southwest of Surabaya in East Java.

2. The Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indoensia ? PMI) reported that the number of shallow volcanic tremors has increased from 11 on 14 October to 306 yesterday. The temperature of water in the crater has increased from 36o C on 15 October to 37.8o C on 16 October.

3. BAKORNAS PB reported that the local authorities in Kediri and Blitar Districts commenced the evacuation of 116,736 people residing within the radius 10 km from the volcano’s crater. The order was issued at 1900hrs on 16 October to the residents of four sub-districts in Kediri (Ngancar, Plosok Klaten, Puncu, and Kepung) and three sub-districts in Blitar (Nglegok, Garung, and Gondosari). The evacuees are being relocated to schools, religious buildings, plantation areas and other facilities prepared by the local government located within 10 km radius from the crater.

4. Indonesian media reported that the eruption of Mt. Kelud may affect as many as 290,000 people. This number includes 251,622 residents in ten sub-districts of the Blitar district (Talun, Nglegok, Gandusari, Garum, Ponggok, Srengat, Udanawu, Sanankulon, Wonodadi, and Kanigoro) and 38,170 people in four sub-districts of the Kediri district (Ngancar, Plosoklaten, Pundu, and Kepung).


1. BAKORNAS PB deployed one Deputy and two staff to the vicinity of Mt. Kelud two weeks ago to strengthen coordination mechanisms and cooperation with the local authorities. Another BAKORNAS team is to be deployed on 17 October.

2. SATKORLAK PB East Java Province has already established command posts in Blitar and Kediri districts.

3. Department of Social Affairs has prepared 100 tons of rice at each district level and 200 tons rice at provincial level. Tents for public kitchen, clothing, ready-to-eat meals for IDPs, and 1.5 tons baby food supplement have also been prepared for distribution.

4. Department of Health has mobilized 50 medical doctors and 50 medical staff for 41 medical services in Kediri and Blitar with the support from the community health posts (Puskesmas). 100,000 masks have also been distributed in Kediri, Blitar and Malang districts. 50 medical doctors have been prepared and deployed in Blitar and Kediri.

5. Department of Public Works has built 135 ’pockets’ through six rivers to manage the flow of some 21.3 million cubic meters of volcanic materials. Bulldozers were also put on stand by.

6. PMI Kediri Branch has mobilized 100 volunteers to assist in the evacuation and mobilized one truck with ten SATGANA (Disaster Response Teams) with equipment. In Blitar, PMI dispatched five platoon tents, mobilized two operational vehicles and one truck and put 15 personnel and 50 more volunteers on stand by. In Malang, PMI put 30 SATGANA and their equipment on stand by.


1. The Government of Indonesia has not issued a request for international assistance at this stage.

2. The United Nations is considering sending a small team from WFP and UNICEF Surabaya field offices to assess the situation and advise on gaps and priority needs.

3. The UN HC/RC Office is closely monitoring the situation with pertinent Government and non-government institutions including the Indonesian Red Cross.

For further information, please contact:

UN RC/HC Office Jakarta
Mr. Abdul Haq Amiri
tel. +62 21 314 1308
mob.+62 812 10 87 277

Ms. Titi Moektijasih
tel. +62 21 314 1308
fax. +62 21 319 00 003
mob. +62 811 98 76 14

Desk Officer:

New York
Mr. Wojtek Wilk
tel. +;1 917 367 3748

Mr. Jean Verheiden
tel. +41 22 917 1381

Regional Office Bangkok
Mr. Rajan Gengaje
tel. +66 2 288 2572

Press contact:

Ms. Elizabeth Byrs
tel. +41 22 917 2653

New York
Ms. Stephanie Bunker
tel. + 1 917 367 5126

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