Selasa, 18 Maret 2008

Government Opens "the New" Terminal III

Tuesday, 18 Marchs 2008 11:53 WIB
Government opens the new "terminal III" building in Selaparang, nearby Jakarta International Airport. The new building are called "Arrival Registry’s Office of Indonesian Migrant Workers" or Gedung Pendataan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI). The new building are set up upon 30.000 meter square and can accomodate 2000 IMWs.

The opening were done by the ministry of manpower and transmigration, Erman Suparno, in Jakarta (18/3). Pertake present in the event; Chief of National Body on Placement and Protection IMWs (BNP2TKI), M. Jumhur Hidayat, a numbers of member of Commission IX DPR-RI (House of Representative), Governor of Banten, Mrs Atut Chosiyah, representative of local government of DKI Jakarta, Police from Polda Metro Jaya, the commander of army of Jakarta Raya, Department of Transportation, representatives of state ambassadors, labor supplier or migrant workers (PPTKIS), insurance company, and NGO.

The opening of the Arrival Registry’s Office of Indonesian Migrant Workers is an important momentum in the effort executing the regulation," said Menakertrans.

Regulation intended is invitors Nomor 39/2004 about Placement of Indonesian Migrant Workers Penempatan Abroad (PTKILN) and and President Instruction Number 6/2006 on the reformation system of placement and protection the Indonesian Migrant Workers Abroad.

Erman tells, government would continuously cope increasing service that is as well as possible to the TKI which during the time contributes the biggest foreign exchange for state.

the Arrival Registry’s Office is built through approval of Government-owned corporations State’s Minister with rent area of property of Angkasa Pura Inc., with total defrayal around Rp 89,2 billion.

"The funds were comes from expense of APBN 2005-2007 of the Department of Manpower and Transmigration," express Erman.

He adds, this two floors building has a number of facilities like data queue room, stowage TKI, transportation operator, journey service, health service, denunciating service, transit sleep TKI, bank office, canteen, telecommunications booth. Besides, farm parks this building can accomodate 200 vehicles, place of bes awaiting driver, and mushola.

Concurrently, Menakertrans also signs inscription to open new office of BNP2TKI which located in MT Haryono Street, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan. ( Zhi/OL-02)

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